Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Remember that time

We've been so busy this summer! So here's a look back at a few things we've been up to.

Remember . . .

That time we made the neighborhood smell like manure . . .Yeah, that was us. We bought of a bunch of mulch to spread around the flower beds and swing set. Either something crawled up in a few bags and died or it was mixed with more than just mulch. Wow. It was noxious. Thankfully, it only lasted about a week. Gag me.

That time I took my 16mo old son to Starbucks and let him drink some of my frappaccino. Good times. No really, my mom and I met 2 of my aunts and we had a blast. Must be a third kid thing. Madison and Anna-Kathryn still haven't had caffeinated beverages. But who could resist this face??

That time a little rat ate the cheese while I was in the shower. I found this gnawed block of cheese as proof. Can you see the teeth marks?

Somehow it managed to open the refrigerator, open the drawer, pull out the bag, open the bag and then eat the cheese. A clever one, I'll say. I found that adorable little rat and took her picture.

I later found out that she "had to bite it" because she didn't have a knife. So she bit chunks out of the block and spit them in her bowl to eat as her snack. Resourceful.

That time Glen took me out of town for our anniversary. It was fantastic. We stayed in a hotel. We slept in. We ate out without having to feed 3 little birds. We went shopping all day. We met friends for dinner and games. We went to Geeksboro and Glen found a little piece of heaven on earth. Coffee + Gaming = Glen. We played Risk, drank coffee, ate chocolate cupcakes, laughed out loud, and learned Cody has a unique Risk strategy.

That time we decided to put our house on the market. We did all the minor repairs and painting I've been wanting to do forever. Boy, it was a lot of work, but it sure does look good. Thanks so much to Sarah and Kim for coming to help me paint!! Hey, if you or someone you know is looking for a new house or if you're just nosy, check it out.

That time the rock stars did a concert in the living room. Occasionally, we're visited by very talented professionals. Rock stars, ballerinas, my little ponies, sports stars, etc. Recently, it's been all about rock n' roll. One star loves all the attention and paparazzi and the other runs and hides when the camera comes out. If you need autographs, I've got a connection.

Until next time, rock on friends.


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