Saturday, December 23, 2017

You can't ruin Christmas

You Can’t Ruin Christmas.

 I was in 5th grade. It was Dec 21st, the last day of school before Christmas break. We were finishing up the class Christmas party as it was almost 3 O’clock. Then over the intercom I’m told that my Dad has arrived to pick me up from school! This was a huge surprise as I normally had to ride bus.

As I get into the car I hear more good news from my father.

“Hey, we are heading to Meh-Meh’s right now and are going to stay from now until Christmas Eve. We are going to go by your house and you can pack a suitcase and grab your Nintendo real quick. I’m bringing my spare TV so you can set it up in your bedroom there.”

All of this blew my mind. I thought I would have to wait a few days before going to Norlina to stay with Meh-Meh’s (My Dad’s Mom.) I always enjoyed going to visit my meh-meh. We got there and I was so excited! I went into my bedroom and Dad brought out his portable TV. It had a VCR, and AV hookups for my Nintendo. This was the height of technology in 1989. Then Dad showed me another surprise. WrestleMania 3 on VHS!

That night after dinner we went to the local gas station/video rental place and I got to rent both a movie and a video game. I had the best time. I remember watching Hogan body slam Andre the Giant. I remember getting to play the Nintendo with out the normal screen/game time restrictions. We went to eat at my favorite restaurant. It started a family tradition of spending the night at Meh-Meh’s a few days before Christmas. We did this almost every year from 1989 until 2008. As Meh-Meh would go home to be with the Lord in Oct of 2009. I remember being devastated in 2000 when I had to work on Christmas Eve as I had just started working at the Bank. I did my best to try and take Vacation for the 23rd & 24th  each year specifically so I could continue this tradition. It all stems from that Christmas in 1989 grade.

To this day, there is not a Christmas that goes by that I do not think about it and smile.  Why is that one so significant compared to others? My parents had gotten divorced earlier that year and I had no idea what Christmas would look like. My parents put aside their differences to make sure I would have a nice Christmas. From that Christmas onward Christmas was about going to visit Meh-Meh for a few days.

I got saved in Feb of 1998. Now I finally understood what Christmas was really about. I was doubly excited to go to my meh-meh’s this particular year because I finally understood what she has been trying to tell my whole life about Christmas, that it was about Christ.

We were loaded up and ready to go there on Dec 23rd at my Dad’s apartment and the rain that had been falling outside had turned to Ice & Sleet while we were getting ready. We thought we could still get there though. We left from in town Roxboro and slowly haded towards 158 near Golden Corral. 30 minutes later we got to that part of town. Dad looks at me and goes, “We need to turn back son. I’m sorry.”  “Christmas is ruined.” I thought to myself. Meh-Meh was heartbroken over the phone. I pouted for a bit but we ended up making the most of it. We went back to the apartment and just had a nice relaxing rest of the day. That next morning Dad went out and got Bojangles for everyone. I got to read from the Christmas story before we opened presents.  It was a calm and peaceful Christmas and it’s the second one I remember this time of year.  

God was teaching me something my first Christmas with Him. That He was Christmas, and wherever I might be and whomever I might be with. He would be there.
Luke 2:10-11 "10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."
Merry CHRISTmas,
Pastor Glen