Friday, August 3, 2018


"If you say you can or you say you can’t, you’re right." - Diamond  Dallas Page

I’ve been hesitant to write this particular post for a few months now. Once it’s out there it’s out there. It’s nothing super serious of ground breaking but it will bring another measure of accountability to me. I want to talk about two things and how God combined them into something new entirely.

1)     My love for Wrestling. More on that in a moment.

2)     My Chiari 1 Malformation.

In late 2000 I started losing the feeling in my pinky fingers and my big toes. I noticed my speech impediment getting worse and my lack of co-ordination was getting worse. I attributed this to having a cubicle job where I sat down for 8 hours a day and love of technology. I figured the lack of exercise and ergonomics were the root cause of my problems.

In January of 2001 the company I worked for switched insurance providers to a much better healthcare plan. I signed up for the best plan that they had at the time. I then proceeded to seek medical care about my tingling fingers. I was thinking Carpal Tunnel getting me early. I was wrong. I spent 3 months seeing different doctors with no real success. They even did a thing where they strapped my arms down to table and shocked them to watch the nerves. Finally, with no real success, my Doctor says “Let’s try and MRI might be a pinched nerve or something.” Late March 2001 I go and get my MRI results and I remember the conversation going like this.

Dr. “We know what’s wrong with you and it’s treatable.”

Glen: “Great!”

Dr: “Do you have a preferred Brain Surgeon?”

Glen: “I’m 21.”

Dr: “You have a Chiari 1 Malformation”

The rest is kind of a blur from that point until almost Rougemont on the ride home. You can read all about Chiari Malformations here:

The too long didn’t read version is that my brain is to big for my skull and there’s some crowding in the back. I had to have a piece of my skull removed and two of my vertebrate shaved in half to make room. I have a cool scar you are welcome to look at next time you see me. I have to avoid anything that will cause an impact on my back/neck/spine. So no contact sports, no running, no jumping, no excessive heavy lifting, etc. That’s all kind of a bummer but on the plus side I get to wear tennis shoes all the time! I’m convinced dress shoes were created by someone who wanted to torture people,  possibly during the Spanish Inquisition!

To help improve my life expectancy and ease my symptoms (pain, migraines, nausea, other assorted GI issues, fatigue, speech, etc.) it would help if I exercise. However, the exercise has to be no impact and no heavy lifting. It really only left stationary bikes and swimming. I’m not a huge fan of either of those so I never consistently found any kind of workout that didn’t trigger/aggravate my symptoms and that I could consistently make myself do. File this away for a minute.

I grew up watching wrestling with my papa. I would sit in his recliner (which is in my living room) and watch the old GCW/NWA with Ric Flair and Wahoo McDaniel. I’ve watched wrestling on and off ever since. I’m presently in an on phase for the last year or so much to my wife’s chagrin.

Back in the 90’s one of the more popular superstars was Diamond Dallas Page aka DDP. I would always cheer for him to hit his trademark move “The Diamond Cutter” on a member of the nWo. He won 3 world championships and was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame last year. 

I read a wrestlers of the 90’s where are they now? Article on Buzzfeed at the beginning of the year. One of them mentioned that DDP was now running his own personal training business.

Page developed a yoga fitness program after recovering from ruptures to his L4/L5 discs. A few years ago you may have seen the viral video of Arthur Boorman a disabled veteran who was told he would never walk again. 15 years on crutches later he lost 140 lbs in 10 months using DDP’s Yoga program. Arthur is now one of the instructors and you see him in the workout videos.

I was curious but had wasted so much time and money on different apps /equipment  that I didn’t want to waste more than I already had. A few weeks later we went to Great Wolf Lodge and they had a kid yoga workout that morning before the park opened. I joined the kids for it and I really enjoyed it. It was only about 15 minutes. I looked around for Yoga classes but couldn’t find a whole lot that worked with my schedule. I thought I’ll check out DDP-Y again and see if I can find a free lesson or something. I did.

I did that workout a few times and enjoyed it. Tax return money came in and I ordered the DVD’s which also gave me 3 free months of the app. I am now 16 weeks into DDP-Y. I have completed the full 13 week beginners course and I am now working my way thru the Intermediate course. I over all feel better, stronger, and certainly more flexible than I was before. Best part is that almost none of it bothers my Chiari. The one thing that does (Cannonball Rolls) I do a simple modification for. 

These are me before. 

These are me 16 weeks in. 

Back in May I went for my annual Chiari check up. I finally had an answer for “What are you doing for exercise?” and showed the PA one of my one legged yoga poses. She was impressed! My neurologics had improved from the previous year and were the best they had been in probably 10 years. It really has made a huge difference in my life and unlike most exercises I look forward doing my yoga. 

If any of that sounds interesting to you I suggest you check it out yourself.

As a fun way to close this story last week I went to Supercon in Raleigh and guess who I got to meet?


Sola Scriptura

Pastor Glen