Friday, June 13, 2014

My Baby Daddy

Y'all. I married a good man. I loved him when we got married and I've loved him more each day, even the ones when I wanted to choke him. But when we had kids, I had no idea how much deeper I would love him because of the way he loves our children. He's the real deal y'all.




This man got up with crying babies, changed poopy diapers, cleaned up spit up, rocked, bounced and sang to fussy babies.

Now, each night he chases a naked toddler at bath time, reads fairy stories with two little girls, and brushes teeth and says prayers at bed time.

He loves the Lord.

He loves his family.

He works hard at 2 jobs.

Sometimes he needs a rest.

He loves hugs and kisses and belly pokes!

And he sure is handsome!!

He rides carousels with enthusiasm.

He's a hero! Saving the birthday candles, rescuing adventurous toddlers, and killing spiders.

He's an expert tickler.

He's there for birthdays and holidays and ordinary days.

He loves his job!

And maybe to your surprise he's a Shaolin Legand.

He's even a pirate.

Yep, that's my baby daddy. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

We love and appreciate you! Thanks for answering the call.
Happy Father's day!

What's in Phoenix?

This is not my first blog. In fact, this is my 4.5 blog (myspace only counts as half because of reasons). I first wrote on a website called Opendiary way back from 2000-2002. I wrote several times a week and it was exclusively an evangelical blog with the purpose of spreading the Word of God on the internet. I made several internet "friends" as you might call them and had a good 10-15 consistent readers/followers by the end. I wrote on another site after that but I cannot remember the name and only posted a couple of anonymous frustrating rants on it and promptly quit using it. However, the one I wrote the most to was a website ran my friend Surge. It was titled "" if you are curious what it looked like you can click here courtesy of the internet archive project.

You are probably wondering where we got the name from. I could take time explaining it but when I was done I'm afraid it would make less sense then it does presently not more. Let's just say it was an obscure joked shared by those of us that wrote on the site (Myself, Surge & Swoosh) and not an insult towards anyone named Steve or their mother.

One of the things we wanted to do on there was create our own web-comic. We had some funny ideas of comics but we were hindered by our laziness and art ability. So, I started practicing in MS Paint. I actually got pretty good at mimicking and modifying stuff in paint. While we were never able to fully create our own comic I did repaint a bunch of comics that were originally done by the fine gentlemen at Penny Arcade. These are mainly posted here for Liz & Jayne since they were the ones that asked about them. Enjoy!

So on the majority of these I didn't do any of the original drawings or the writing. I was just practicing with Paint so I gave one of the characters (Blitz) a spiderman shirt and gave the other (Swoosh) blonde hair. I also did the shirts for Hitman & Surge.

I did a little bit of the writing on this one.

Only changed hair color on this one.

While I didn't write this.
It's close to an actual conversation between my wife and Shea.

I wrote this one!

I also wrote this one!

I was 23 and heavily into Beyblade. I am not proud of this.
However, we all can agree on Krispy Kreme.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

For the Birds

Yesterday, Glen's car was in the shop so I had the torturous, I mean, joyful task to take him to work.

At 6:15. AM. 
 ( I'm grateful that he has a job and we have 2 cars, etc, I'm just being dramatic, play along)

Which of course means waking and dressing and having all the kids ready and in the van at that time. That part went surprisingly smooth. I think they must have been sleep walking. But by the time we got to Glen's office they were really starting to wake up and chirp like baby birds for their food. Which at first is like aww, ok baby birds, I hear ya, you're hungry, mama's working on it . . .and quickly degenerates into if you chirp one more time you're going to know what hungry feels like.

6:30am Enter Bojangles. I love you Bojangles. I love your 2 sausage biscuits for $2.29 and your boberry biscuits and your borounds and your 5:30am opening time and your super quick service.  I loved our entire breakfast for $5. And since we're bffs I decided not to bring my rowdy youngin's into your restaurant. Your welcome.

6:45am Enter The Park. So for those of you that saw the crazy lady with the 3 kids eating Bojangles at the park at 6:45am. Now you know, it was me. There were just too many hours between 6:45am and nap time to go home yet. The kids were so excited by the park their hunger dissipated. Magic. Yes I know, they were *starving* 5 seconds ago. But the park is sooooo fun mom. So I sit and eat while they play. It's cool and I'm kind of digging the serenity of the 53 second intervals of quiet. I watch the gray haired folks walk the track, and eventually I finish my breakfast and go over to play with the kids, while their breakfast waits patiently in the rolled up Bojangles bag. Look, adorable kids!

7:15am Enter The Bird. Excuse me black fowl creature, no one invited you to our breakfast picnic. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked back at the bench where our "stuff" was and saw you pecking at my Bojangles bag. I mean, did you have a death wish today? You TOUCHED my Bojangles bag with.your.mouth. No, this is not acceptable. You only thought I was crazy when I showed up here so early with children and food, but you are about to see the crazy come out for real if you don't fly away never come back. I'm glad you decided you didn't need to see that and my shooing and threats were enough to make you retreat to the swing set.

But that wasn't enough was it? As soon as I turned my back and started toward my children, here you come again. Umm. no. I don't think so. The events following your second attack on my Bojangles bag are a little fuzzy, there may have been some yelling and animation that embarrassed my children. I'm pretty sure they were ready to let you have that bag, however, they know that I don't easily back down from a battle of the wills. So take that mr. crow. I bet you thought I looked pretty silly with that Bojangles bag tucked under my arm. That's right, I carried that bag around on my person for the duration of our park time. Don't come between me and my Bojangles, um I mean, feeding my children.

For those of you curious as to how the rest of my day turned out since it was only 7:30 in the morning. We played a while longer. We went to Danville to Target and Walmart and lunch at another park and still made it home around 1 in the afternoon for naps. Y'all know I wasn't about to miss nap time!

Seriously, honey, thank you for getting up early everyday and going to work to provide for our family. You're awesome! And I love you!

Early mornings are for the birds!
