Monday, April 16, 2018

Why is this baby crying?

Why is this baby crying?

Hello Everyone!

I’m right around the 2.5 year mark for being a Stay At Home Dad. We’ve had a blessed 2018 so far. January started off well. We finished up some repairs to the house we had been working on for a while. We made some curriculum changes with the kids that are still going strong today. I taught what I think is my 8th Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Class. The wife is doing well at work and has an exciting mission trip coming up this summer. Sam is playing baseball for the 3rd year. The girls are coming along nicely in Piano and Lucas can tell you all his letters and sounds.

That’s not to say everything’s been perfect. As always with ups there are downs. After my first FPU class this year on January 21st I got a text from Lindsey letting me know that The Boo was throwing up. Thus began a lovely month in which there was not a 24 hour period where one of us did not either A) Throw up or B) run a fever. By my, some what fuzzy, count we had The Flu, Two different stomach bugs, Bronchitis, Sinus & Ear infections along with all the fun those things bring. There was a ton of Lysol, Bleach & Clorox Wipes used in abundance. My kitchen counter looked like a pharmacy with all the assorted vitamins, medicines, and herbal remedies we had going. It was Feb 23rd before we had a 24 hour sick/fever free period. Gracefully, since then things haven’t been quite as bad but still had the errant fever or stomach bug here and there.

I ruined right around 3 pair of cargo pants with disinfectant cleaners. So if you see me out in public with assorted bleach spots on my pants know you know why. Perhaps I will start a new fashion trend?

Why is this Baby crying?

Lucas is now almost 3 years old. We are in the process of potty training. You see I was fortunate in that 98% of potty training with the other kids was handled by Lindsey. Lucas is wearing pull ups and is now peeing in the potty consistently. That is progress. He's quite clever using various items around him as tools. 
He used this chair to get at the Doughnuts while I was out of the room. 

Doughnut in each hand!

Also, he’s in his “Terrible Two” phase and sometimes has huge meltdowns. This largely from him either A) Not getting what he wants or B) Not being able to explain himself properly. Below are a few of our favorites. 
He's mad I was cutting Anna's nails.

He's mad that I'm watching Sam at Bat. 

He's mad that the cake is gone. 

He's mad I don't have on a sock. 

These are all great but the next one is my favorite. 

That's right. He is mad that he can't shut his sister inside the fridge. He didn't want to close the fridge. He specifically wanted to close Madison inside of it. I'm sure those of us with siblings have been able to relate to this one at one point or another.

I hope this gave you a laugh or two. As always, we appreciate all your love, support and prayers.

Sola Scriptura!
Pastor Glen

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