Monday, November 26, 2018

Year Three

Year 3

Three years ago I left IT to be a stay at home dad. It simultaneously feels like it was just a few weeks ago and a life time ago. I did some independent IT consulting off and on for 2016. Come 2017 I had let it all drop to the side. Now at the end of 2018 I hardly have a clue what’s going on in IT trends in general. I still fix stuff for my parents, in-laws, and around the house but that’s it. I don’t miss it. It was time to move on. 

2018 – The Year of Change.

This year was full of changes for us. We switched the girls to LUOA thru Liberty University. I’m so proud of my girls they worked super hard and it was a huge adjustment for us. Yet, it’s been really good for all of us. We hope to enroll Sam into it when he starts second grade.

Madison is now in 5th, AK in 3rd, Sam is in 1st and Lucas is doing pre-school. My day’s stay rather busy just on that alone. The girls are doing well with piano. Sam is a two sport man with soccer and baseball. Lucas knows his numbers, letters and colors pretty well.

We had a lot of health issues in our family this year. We personally had the flu for all of Feb. We had close relatives that experienced extended hospital stays. My mom’s dementia progress to the point that we had to move to a memory care facility. She is starting to forget me, my sister and my aunt. The first time it happened was the hardest. I’ve accepted it now (mostly) and I’m just trying to enjoy the time I have with her while I have it.

Cambridge took excellent care of my mom the three years she was there and I appreciate everything that they did for her. She is now at Commonwealth in South Boston. I am super happy with them as well.

God has been our rock through it all. We have felt the love and support of our friends, family and church family like never before. There have also been tremendous blessings along the way. Lindsey got promoted at work to CTL. She also got to go to Honduras on a mission trip.

I got to perform weddings for friends of mine. They were all a blast and I really enjoyed myself at them! I had the unique blessing of getting to baptize both AK and Sam. Sam wore his goggles. Easily one of the greatest days of my life. We are blessed beyond measure!


I wrote a post earlier in the summer entitled “BANG” about how I started doing DDP-Y, Diamond Dallas Page’s Yoga. I have stuck with it consistently since march. I have completed both the Beginner and Intermediate tracks. I’m going to tackle the Advanced track next year. Right now I’m checking out the live works via the app. Look at the progress from mid March to this afternoon. BANG!



Home Alone Dad

*This following section is only going to make sense I’ve you’ve seen home alone multiple times*

It is Christmas Movie season going on here at the Newsome house. We watch a bunch of them, Elf, Miracle on 34th, Rudolph, multiple versions of “A Christmas Carol”, Christmas Story, White Christmas and many more. Yet, in all these years we have never shown the kids Home Alone. We recently got the first two and tonight I watched the first one with the kids. 
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It’s one thing when I watched this as a 6th grader in 1990. It’s another to watch as a 39 year old in 2018. I started noticing details, things that don’t add up. The fact the police never really got involved. The dad’s overall nonchalance at the thought of his 8 year old alone in another country. That hugely expensive house in Chicago, flights to Paris for the entire family including first class tickets for 4 adults. A house full of mannequins. It all begs the question.

Question: What exactly did Kevin’s Dad do for a living?

Answer: He was a high ranking mafia official, likely involved in smuggling.

The house they live is easily a 7 figure mansion. He has 5 kids all of which have their own room. Every room in the house is well furnished. He can afford for 15 people to fly to Paris with 4 adults going first class. He is upset by the presence of a cop asking “nosy” questions. He doesn’t even stay to talk to the guy walking off at the first excuse, pizza.

Who is Peter’s mysterious brother Rob that lives in Paris and in NY? Rob owns a place big enough to accommodate 15 extra guests for Christmas in the middle of Paris! Rob also owns that huge brownstone in NY. Rob is the boss, Peter is the face, Frank? Why do they put up with him? He’s the fall guy!

What about the mannequins? Kevin used multiple mannequins to fool the burglars the second night they tried to rob the house. Why were there so many mannequins in a house? They were all part of Peters cover. He likely owned/ operated a department store chain with international holdings. This would allow for money to be moved all over the places, hiring of “delivery men” and shipping smuggled goods (my guess cocaine since it’s 1990) all around the world!

Why doesn’t he appear even remotely concerned about his son being home alone when the mom is in sheer panic? Easy. The old shovel guy actually works for Peter McCallister. His job is to keep an eye on things whenever Peter isn’t home, which is frequent given his “work trips” to other countries.

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Think of all the punishment they took in the movie. One hit from shovel guy puts them both out cold! This screams mob enforcer! 

This is how the old guy kept showing up from time to time. This is how he knew to be in the murphy’s house with that shovel to save Kevin just at the right moment. This is why neither shovel guy nor Kevin are there when the police do show up to arrest the burglars. This even explains why shovel guy can’t see his granddaughter and what the argument with his son was about! He didn’t like him working for the mob! The rumors about him being a serial killer? It’s probably not that far off as a hitman for the mob!

Take some time, think about it, re-watch the movie, and then try to tell me I’m wrong.

Boston Red Sox



We’ve had a blessed year here in 2018. I pray you have as well. If we haven’t seen you in a while we miss you and we love you! Come visit us at church sometime soon.

Merry CHRISTmas!

Sola Scriptura

Pastor Glen

P.S. Also, I got a tatoo back in October. Google “Five Solae” to see what it means.