Tuesday, June 25, 2013


My kids and wife love going to the pool. Thankfully one of the perks of being on staff at Antioch is a pool membership. Lindsey and the kids go to the pool frequently however since it's during the day I rarely get to join them. This weekend I had a chance to take the girls twice. Once Saturday morning after breakfast and then Sunday evening we went as a family and had dinner there at the pool. It was nice. Except for that part right at the beginning that both my personal and work cell phones ended up in the pool. oops.

So, I took them apart and placed them on my t-shirt and let them dry out while we finished swimming. On the way home we picked up a bag of rice at the store and placed them in it over night hoping that would do the trick. This morning I get up and put them back together and my work cell phone boots up momentarily (about 15 seconds) before it goes out. My Galaxy Nexus doesn't even attempt to boot up. It just turns on the LED light on the back of it and has it flash in and out. Dang it.

Fortunately we have insurance on our personal phones (and we've filed claims on both our phones this year) so I proceed to file a claim on my phone this morning which is rather easy the way Verizon has it setup. Then I went ahead and notified purchasing of my busted work cell phone. I was issued a replacement this afternoon. However, work is just a basic cell phone not a smart phone.

It was weirdest thing to go to lunch today (during which I normally run errands around time) with no cell phones in my pockets. It's interesting now I have become so accustom to carrying 2 cell phones that I kept checking my pockets while I was out to make sure I hadn't lost them to remember that I didn't have any for the day. You really don't realize how often you check your phone until you go a day without one.

I remember way back in the early 90's (91 or 92 I think) when my dad first got a cell phone. I'm not even sure they were called cell phones at the time I believe they were called portable phones.  I got in his car one day and noticed a bag with an antenna sticking out of it and asked what it was. He said that it was a phone. I was blown away by this! A phone, that you used in the car!

Of course it was huge. You had to keep it plugged into the cigarette outlet since it took hours to charge and you maybe got 30 minutes out of the battery. Also, it was really expensive to use and I was never allowed to make a call with it.

My senior year in high school dad got an upgrade to his bag phone and ended up with a true mobile phone.

You could fit that thing in your pocket! Well provided you had very large pockets like in a jacket or cargo pants or something. I remember that Christmas walking around the mall pretending I was talking on the phone. Most likely in an attempt to impress girls which was as successful as all my other previous attempts to impress girls in that it did not work at all.  However, I still was not allowed to make any calls on it, even to try and impress random girls at the mall.

 I came to Christ in 1998. I was still considered a youth (albeit an older one) and I can remember going on youth trips and on the way back home we would hit the person county line and DDC would pass around his cell phone and tell everyone to call their parents to make sure they had a ride waiting for them when we got back to the church in the next 10 minutes or so. This was in stark contrast to the youth camp I helped chaperone in 2006 in which Cell Phones were a serious issue and interfered frequently with everything we tried to do, it was the first year that had ever been an issue.

I got my first cell phone in 2004. I was living with my buddy Shea and his family. Our mutual friend Surge (who stayed with us on the weekends) showed up one Friday evening handing me a new cell phone in the box and said "Here. I'm tired of not being able to get in touch with you guys. You owe me $10 a month for it." Which still remains the best cell phone plan I've ever had. This is pre-texting mind you. This cell phone could make calls, had a calculator, and you could play a blackjack game with very rudimentary graphics.I've carried a cell phone ever since.

Me and Lindsey did not get personal smart phones until 2010 (I had a blackberry at work from 2005-2010) after seeing all the neat things Droid could do. This all thanks once again to Surge.

It was so weird going about my daily duties with out one. I use it heavily at work testing Wifi, working on IP cameras, printers, etc. So I could notice it a lot then having to use my laptop instances where I had grown accustomed to using my phone. As I was running errands on lunch (post office, bank, etc.) while waiting in lines I kept reaching for my phone to kill time during the 3 minutes or so I had to wait at these places.

I think cell phones are so popular because they feel 2 contradictory needs at once. Our need for connection/communication and our need for distance/solitude. You can simultaneously be in contact with and isolated from the entire world. This desire transcends race, color, creed, religion and nationality. I've seen this behavior all over America, China, South Korea and the Philippines.It says a lot about us that most of our inventions end up getting used this way (Books, Radio, TV, Computers, etc.).

Ultimately we are desiring that connection with God, with Christ. Yet, we also want to remain isolated from Him due to what we know or fear He will ask of us. Something to consider the next time you reach for your cell phone.

Jeremiah 33:3 "‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’"


Friday, June 21, 2013

All About the Pentiums: Confessions Part 1

Confessions Part 1. 

The first 6 years or so of my IT career were spent working at helpdesk for a bank and a brief 2 month stint with Polo Ralph Lauren.  

I’m sure you’ve all heard some funny tech support stories via email, such as people using the CD-ROM as a cup holder or using the mouse as a microphone. I am here to assure you that they are all most likely true. Since tales from tech support tend to amuse people and give good insight into human nature I thought I would share some of mine. 

People would call in with computer problems or questions and I would do my best to get them resolved in a timely manner. In my time there I probably averaged 75 or so calls a day, with a person best of 215 on one particularly busy day. At the bank we were pushed to get the problem resolved while on the phone during the initial call. The techs we dispatched were contract employees and they got paid per ticket, so overall it was cheaper if we could solve it over the phone. Also, the dispatch techs didn’t like having their time wasted with tickets that should have been resolved over the phone. We would get a lot of calls for things that people could do themselves, but corporate policy prevented them from, such as placing a service call on a copier or a fax machine or having security come out to change locks. 

“You can tell a lot about a person’s character by how they treat people they don't have to treat well.” – Owen Davian

First off, about 90% of the people I talked (closer to 75% at Polo) were nice. They understood that they needed help and that I was there to help them. Then there was the other percentage that were angry (for whatever reason), and liked to take it out on the person on the phone who couldn’t fight back, because they would get in trouble if they did. 

This is the person who would call in asking for help and then start arguing with you, that what you told them isn’t the way to fix it or how that wasn’t the corporate policy. Pointing out where the specific policy was in their handbook just made them angrier and they would demand to speak to a supervisor. You hand them off to a supervisor who smooths everything over and gets the issue resolved. 

At least that’s how the irate user viewed it. To quote Adrian Monk “Here’s what happened.”

Glen: Yes, now I need you to reboot your workstation please.
User: No, I have to reboot this thing all the time! I want a computer that doesn’t need rebooting! This is all your fault!
Glen: The changes we made won’t take effect until you reboot. Once you reboot you should be able to access your program as normal.
Glen: I’m sorry you feel that way but if I can just get you to…
Glen: Please Hold.
*I place the caller on hold and then go to the bathroom and come back*
Glen: Hey Mark (guy in cubicle next to me) want to be my supervisor?
Mark: Sure. Send them over.
*Mark takes call*
Mark: This is (fictional name). How may I be of assistance?
User: That person I was just talking to is a horrible human being and all my problems are his fault!
Mark: I’m sorry to hear that. What was there name?
User: I, uh, hmmm. I don’t remember.
Mark: Was it Glen?
User: No it wasn’t Glen.
Mark: Was it (additional fictional names until the user pics one at random)?
User: Yes it was Bob! (Note: There is no Bob at the helpdesk )
Mark: I’ll be sure to address that with him as soon as I get off the phone. Now what seems to be the problem?
*User described problems that requires them to reboot*
Mark: Hold on let me look at the system.
*Mark then proceeds to type as loudly as possible so the user can hear it over the phone*
Mark: Ahh. It appears that there was a problem with the millennium transfunctioner. I had to make an adjustment if I could get you to restart you should be able to get right in.
User: Sure! *User restarts* That worked! Thanks so much!
Mark: You’re welcome. Have a nice day.
*Mark places flag on the user in the system to mark them as temperamental*
About an hour later this happens:
Mark: Please Hold.
*Mark goes outside and smokes a cigarette and then comes back*
Mark: Hey Glen. You want to be my supervisor?
Glen: Sure. Send them over. 

And that people is what happens when you ask for a supervisor.  So, Glen, What happens when your supervisor finds out about it? Who do you think taught us how to do that in the first place? I’ve pretended to be my supervisor’s supervisor on occasion. After I had been there a few years, I would be my own supervisor. At this point, I was the Team Lead at the helpdesk. I had my own cubicle office with a door! Of course the walls were only 6 ft tall and no roof, but hey it was a door! I could close it!

Glen: Thank you for calling Helpdesk this is Glen.
*Insert similar conversation like the above*
Glen: Please Hold.
*Walk around office for a bit. Read article about Boston Red Sox and/or catch up on my webcomics*
Glen: This is Glen. How may I help you? *Note I used the same name, accent, and tone of voice as I’ve had for the entire call*
User: I want to complain about that person who I was just talking to.
Glen: Sure. What was there name?
User: uh, umm, I’m not really sure. Cliff maybe?
Glen: We don’t have a Cliff here. Was it (name of various employees including myself)?
User: No. It wasn’t them.
Glen: What about Clint?
User: Yes it was Clint!
Glen: Well I will address that with him as soon as I get off the phone. Now how can I help you?
At this point the user describes the problem again and I walk them through the exact same steps as before and this time they do what I ask of them and lo and behold it works.
User: That worked! Thanks so much! What was your name again?
Glen: My name is Glen.
User: Thanks so much Glen!

Two days later my manager gets a customer service recognition in the interoffice mail for me. Who nominated me? That very same user. 



Thursday, June 20, 2013

Toothpaste Magic

I like showers.
Preferably everyday.
Long, hot showers.

With 3 kids 4 and under, choosing the time for this event can be challenging. If I sleep past 6am inevitably at least one of them is awake. And when they're awake things happen. You know, playing in the toilet, coloring the walls, hiding important items, and attempting death defying feats, yeah those things.

So the other day, I put Sam and Anna-Kathryn down for their afternoon naps and Madison was playing quietly in her room. I tell Madison I'm going to the shower and to continue playing quietly in her room and she agrees. I sneak off to the shower.


While I'm basking in hot water, Madison finds a yellow ink pad. I'm not really sure where it came from. I'm pretty sure we've never stamped anything. Ever. So, this was a novel concept for her. And apparently she decided to test all the different ways you can use an ink pad. . .

I don't notice right away. I'm still in my happy place from an uninterrupted shower. I get ready. Madison gets ready and the littles wake up from their nap. I get them ready and loaded up in the van. As I walk back through the house, I notice the bright yellow glow from the bathroom. At first I think: PEE. How did someone pee on the counter? But as I inspect closer I see that it isn't in fact pee, it's marker, or so I think. Then, as I remember that the kids are buckled in the van and I need to get back out there, I see a yellow ink pad. It looks as if someone has scrubbed the bathroom counter, and the toilet, and the bathtub with a yellow ink pad. Oh yeah. Kids. Van. Must go.

I get out to the van and as we proceed on our way, I interrogate Madison about what happened. Eventually, she confesses she "cleaned" the bathroom. Sigh.

Later that night, we get home and part of Madison's punishment was to help clean up the bathroom, the right way. First, we just try a rag with water, you know, I was dreaming that it would just wipe away easily and we could all go to bed. Then we tried windex. No luck. I noticed that while it wasn't coming off the counters, even with vigorous scrubbing, it rinsed right down the sink bowl. Hmm. What was different about the sink? It had old toothpaste in it. Gross, I know, but it's how we roll around here.

So, I take the pink princess toothpaste and rub a little bit on the yellow counter, and lo and behold if the golden glow didn't wipe right away. Thank you Lord! We rub the rest of the counter, toilet and bathtub in pink princess toothpaste and it didn't work. No, just kidding, it worked like a charm. And it all smelled bubble fruit fresh. Yes, the toothpaste flavor is "bubble fruit." What is that? I don't know.

I'm not sure if my 15 minutes of peace was worth discovering that you can clean with toothpaste. But now I know, and I've shared it with you. Please feel free to facebook, tweet, or pin this amazing housekeeping tip. I call it toothpaste magic.


P.S. I've started taking showers at night, when Glen's home and the kids are asleep.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Motivation Monday x5

It's here again, Monday. ugh. Glen goes back to work. The kids are usually extra crazy. I have to think and plan everything that is going on for the week: meals, travel, appointments, childcare, etc. And well, let's be honest I'm not a very good planner, because I'm a procrastinator. As evidenced by Monday morning "planning" sessions rather than over the weekend or at the beginning of the month. Anyway.

1. For those of you who know me, you know I LOVE chocolate. I may actually be in love with chocolate. Me and chocolate go way back. Though, we have a love/hate relationship. I love to eat it, but I hate the consequences of eating too much. Well, just don't eat too much, you say.  It isn't that easy. Like I said, we have a relationship. Which is obviously the problem, but I'm in love. I don't want to break up. It hurts. However, tonight instead of having a second (or third or fourth) one of these warm gooey ohsoyummy father's day brownies. . .

I put on these . . .

And ran (and walked) around the neighborhood. 2.12 miles to be exact. It was slow and it was hard, but it was farther than last week!  

2. We have so many toys. so.many.toys. I feel like I'm constantly throwing out, giving away, sorting, organizing, and putting away toys. Well, I feel like that, because I am. But anyway. Here are some cool "non toys" to keep the littles occupied. I don't have an adorable picture of the kids playing in a cardboard box, so here's one I found via the google machine.

3. Sunday was Father's day. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and daddy to our kids. As I was reading this post I couldn't help, but think of him. Love you, hon! Mimi helped the littles and I make plaster hand molds and the girls made these adorable cards in their Wednesday night class at church. Thanks Mimi and Susan!

4. Authentic. Genuine. Sincere. Real. Does your life reflect these qualities? This is a good read about the mind-set of atheist American college students and how they came to choose and embrace atheism. Though it's long, it's worth it. Be real.

5. I'm loving this song right now. I love how Madison randomly sings it, especially the "If I had no voice, if I had no tongue, I would dance for you like the rising sun. And when that day comes and I see your face I will shout your endless glorious praise!" Melts.my.heart. Sadly, I also think of sweet baby Caleb when I hear this song. I can only imagine this is the only hope his parents are clinging to right now. Please continue to pray for him. He needs a miracle.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Motivation Monday x5

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Mondays are crazy. Pure crazy chaos. Today, there was a well child check, which means getting everyone up, fed, dressed, and loaded up in the pouring rain to be somewhere at a certain time. It's like a bad joke I played on myself, I mean I scheduled the appointment! Then there was loading/unloading at the doctors office, loading/unloading at walmart, and then unloading at home in the pouring rain with 3 wet cranky kids. Anyway. The rest of the day was pretty good with only moments of craziness.

So if you're like me and you need a little pick me up, here are 5 things that motivated me today.

1. Who wants to exercise on Monday?? Not me. And for far to long I've made many excuses not to. But today I did it! I squeezed in 1.5miles in between rain showers and dinner and bedtime routines. It wasn't much, but it was a start! 100 Reasons You Should Work Out - Thanks Stacy!


2. I have a few self image issues (who doesn't?). I read this over the weekend and it gave me some perspective. I want my girls to grow into intelligent, confident, loving, kind, compassionate and courageous women. I want them to love themselves, because they are God's creation and they are loved. When you're mother says she fat. Learning to love myself because He does!

3. Despite the rain and the cranky kids, I am so.very.thankful to have a WELL child check to go to. Many of you know I've been praying for, talking about, asking you to pray for baby Caleb for months now. He had open heart surgery yesterday and was placed on ECMO (heart/lung bypass life support) afterward. There has not been much change today, but that means that nothing is worse. Please continue to pray for this little guy. You can follow him on facebook here.

Photo: Still doing pretty well. 
We continue to be optimistic. Caleb's heart rate and blood pressure have improved some. His chest tube leakage is about the same. They plan to let him rest tonight and then start weaning him off of the ECMO tomorrow.

Pray for sweet, healing rest for Caleb tonight and that his heart and lungs would be able to take back over their responsibility for his body. As we wean him, we will also find out if his surgery is going to work or if he needs them to go back in and add a shunt. Please, please pray that they won't have to take him back to the OR and that his heart will respond perfectly to the major changes it underwent.

A couple of months ago when Caleb had his first open heart surgery they had to leave his chest open. We could see his heart beating inside of him for 5 days before they were able to close him up. We thought we'd never have to see him this way again as we were hopeful that he'd be able to come back sewn up in subsequent surgeries. It's so hard to once again find myself staring inside the chest at my precious boy's beating heart who was smiling and snuggling in my arms just a few days ago. What a testimony of God's grace and miraculous hand in his life this child is going to have. 

Even though it may be weeks before I get to hold him again, I'm soaking in all the hand holding and head rubbing I can get. Love this incredible gift!

4. THIS. I.love.this. For all my readers with kids, this is for you! 23 Exceedingly Helpful Tips For Maintaining Your Sanity While Living With Children. I especially love numbers 1-4 and 13. Whats your favorite? Thanks Sarah!

5. A little grace for now. 
Calm Down.
Slow Down. 

Happy Monday Everyone!!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Sound of Drums

"Each Timelord child,
Approaches the eye,
Forced to behold the vortex,
To be inspired or run,
But as I gazed into the vastness of time,
I heard the sound of drums." - Chameleon Circuit

I really should have named this post Eye Roll since it’s about Doctor Who which causes my wife to roll her eyes when I bring it up. I only recently became a Doctor Who fan. I saw it in the instant queue and thought about watching it but never did. I knew that they had rebooted the series in 2005 but I only watched bits and pieces of the old episodes on PBS when I was growing up and I was never really a fan of it at that point. 

I had two friends that talked about it constantly though. Making jokes, references, posting links, getting into lively discussions about it and I never had a point of reference to understand them. Frequently they would tell me that I needed to watch it and that I would enjoy it. So, finally one night with Lindsey off somewhere with the girls and Sam not even being thought of yet I watched Episode 1 “Rose”. I thought well it has Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and I’ve liked him in most of the things he’s been in so why not? It was weird, even for me. Weird and very British. However, I thought well that was just the first episode maybe it improves so I watched a second one, “The End of the World” that was even weirder especially every scene with Lady Cassandra. So, I was done with the Who for a while.

Sometime later, I tried it again. This time I picked up much further in the series. Series 5, The Eleventh Hour with the first appearance of Matt Smith and the 11th Doctor. This episode was more entertaining then what I had seen but I didn’t understand half of what he was talking about in it.  I watched two more episodes after that “The Beast Below” and “Victory of the Daleks” but just felt that I was missing a ton of context. So once again I was done with Who for a while.

Then about a year ago my friend Surge was discussing Dr. Who and I said I had tried a couple of episodes but didn’t really get it. He told me I had watched them wrong. I needed to start back over with Series 1 and the 9th Doctor and watch through episode 6. If after “Dalek” I still wasn’t interested nothing would change my mind. So I did. Episode 3 was “The Unquiet Dead” and featured Charles Dickens and I loved it. Episodes 4 and 5 were well done and Episode 6 “Dalek” was humorous, emotional and suspenseful. I was hooked. I recently finished catching up with Dr. Who on Netflix and anxiously awaiting them adding series 7 to the instant queue. 

So, I've been trying to figure out why this appeals to me so much compared to other shows I had fallen in love with such as Chuck, Leverage an Big Bang Theory.  I could say well I'm a geek and I like Dr. Who as proof of my geekiness. I could also say the standard, it's well written, well acted, and rather clean, thought provoking, entertainment. That also would suffice. 

However, his story, as does all great stories, points back to the greatest story every told. The gospel of Jesus Christ. The main themes I have picked up from Dr. Who have been compassion and regeneration. Frequently the Doctor finds himself facing the horrors of our worlds, though they may physically be aliens, it's things we are all familiar with. Hatred, bullying, tyranny, cynicism, bigotry, slavery, exploitation, complacency. Many occasions he ends up facing these things along as the one man who can stem the tide of the oncoming darkness and even sacrifices his life for them only to regenerate (re: resurrect) more clever, resourceful, and powerful then before. He constantly urges people to think better, do better, be better then they think they can. His one consistent motive in all of this seems to be compassion, not just for his friends but for his enemies as well. 

However, much like the OT saints we also see him as a deeply flawed character. One who is plagued by loneliness and for however many people, races and planets he has saved he has destroyed just many as his enemies rile his long suffering temper. 

For me I think this clip sums up The Doctor the best for me. 

If you are ever interested in some well written Sci-Fi I certaintly suggest Dr. Who. Just give it a few episodes and let it grow on you.  :-)
