Monday, April 8, 2013

Being a Yes Mom, Sometimes.

I say no a LOT. No. No. No. No. Can we go to the park in a snowstorm? No. Can I have candy for breakfast? No. About to put that toy in the outlet, NO! About to play in the toilet, NO! Eating dog food, NO! Can I stand on the back of the couch and jump off? No. You get the idea. I have a one year old walking boy who is getting faster by the minute, a curious 3 year old and an independent 4 year old. I say "no" so frequently that it becomes my default answer.

So occasionally, I try to pay extra attention to the request and say yes. Today we went to the park and didn't have anywhere to be afterward. Can we please play 5 more minutes? Yes. Can we have pizza for lunch? Yes. My 4 year old asked if she could play outside during naptime, yes.

Then Glen came home. He had stopped by Lowe's and had supplies to reseed some areas in the yard that look are dead. He asked the girls if they want to help and I was thrilled to cook supper in peace. Then the girls come inside full of excitement asking for their swim suites. Wait, what?? "Daddy said we could play in the sprinkler!!"

Over my dead body.
It's April for crying out loud.
You'll get pneumonia and die tomorrow.
Absolutely not.

"Glen, did you say the girls could play in the sprinkler?"

Maybe saying yes comes easier for dads?

I get out the swim suits. They are over the moon. They get towels and run outside.

I hear peels of laughter, squeals of excitement, and see the biggest grins. I'm glad I said yes.

Though I'm sure that the neighbors have called social services.


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