Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My friend (So long)

"We know exactly where you are, and you're gone [my friend]
Don't know exactly where you're coming from
You've gone away my friend
We know exactly where you are, and you're gone [my friend]
Don't know exactly where you're coming from
Have you gone astray?

So long my friend. " - DC Talk  

I did not grow up with a plethora of friends. Being a nerd/geek/weird kid does not make one inherently popular.  I did have some friends, a decent amount in early elementary school, but as I got older that number became less and less. A lot of the friends I did have were along the lines of relationships of convenience than a true friendship. For example, there were the friends in my neighborhoods growing up, that were friendships because we lived close together and none of us could drive, so that's what you got. There were friends that I ended up getting to know as we had several classes together and outside of class we generally didn't hang out. Then, as I got into high school their were work friends, most of you get that without further explanation on my part. There were also the friends that were friends in class when it was time for group work or to take a test, the same people who picked on me at other times.

After I graduated high school (class of 97) the few friends I had all went their own way to assorted colleges and jobs and one even got married. I can remember one occasion in particular in the fall of 97. I was riding home with a friend (or so I thought) and I started to unload on him all the burdens I was carrying. Before I could even get started good he tells me "No offense, but I don't want to hear it." The rest of the ride was in awkward silence. It would be a while before I would see him again.

Then a glorious thing happened. In February of 98 I came to know the Lord. How did that happen? When I needed it most in the summer of 97 the Lord sent me a friend who new the Lord. He is probably reading this, and he knows who he is.  As all my other relationships crumbled, this one strengthened. While we argued frequently (and would continue to for many years to come) those arguments never once threatened the friendship, they strengthened it instead. This man is still one of my closest friends and I am fortunate to know him. I love you brother. :-)

After coming to the Lord, the Lord saw fit to bless me with many friends. While we aren't as close as we once were due to time, distance, marriage and kids, when we do get to spend time together its as if no time has passed at all. It's a wonderful thing. Even now I count myself fortunate for all the friendships I have in my life. People that live up to this verse.

Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times"

 Thanks to the power of the internet those friends that have moved away, I can still keep up with. Email, Texting, Facebook, Google+, Instant messaging have all helped in this regard. Recently, I tried tracking down someone that God has put on my heart that I hadn't talked to in a while (years). It took a bit of Google Fu, but I finally found him on assorted social networking sites. What I proceeded to read broke my heart. 

Here was someone whom I once considered a true friend. Living a very ungodly lifestyle. This is someone I went to church with, to concerts with, someone I once talked to a daily basis about life, love, and the Holy Spirit. Someone who frequently encouraged me in my walk with Christ and would make time for me to rant about whatever was bothering me. However, that was early in our relationship later he started straying from the faith. He started pursuing his own path and not the one God has placed him on and I remember why the relationship ended. He had walked away. I had hoped that maybe time had healed his heart, but it appears to only have hardened it. I came to acknowledge today that my friend that I once knew is long gone. 

"Don't think we don't miss you
[We think about you every day]
We still love you anyway
[Love don't go away]" - DC Talk

This is not the first friend I've had walk away from the faith nor will it be the last. Time does not soften the pain, nor does my heart ache any less as I watch them flounder around trying to live on both sides of the fence depending on their mood. So I dedicate this song to you my friends, those that have long since strayed from the faith. That the Lord might call you and you would answer and return to your first love and I would see you again walking with the Lord.

"We'll see you someday
Wish you well my friend" - DC Talk


1 comment:

  1. You have prayer projects. God can bring your friend back to him, no matter how bad it is. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I bet it was really discouraging, but he is on your heart for a reason. (And you knew this already...preaching to the choir, eh?)
    BTW Thank you for your condolences and offer of help last week with our family loss. It meant a lot.
