Thursday, May 9, 2013

Are You My Mother?

We have this children's book called, Are You My Mother, about a little bird that hatches while his mama bird is out gathering food. He looks around and doesn't see his mother, so he goes on a quest to find her. Along the way he meets all sorts of animals and machines and to each one he asks "are you my mother?" Eventually, he ends up back at his nest and is united with his mother.

Each of us are on a quest. It starts when we are born, this journey called life. It beings. It ends. And in the middle there is a whirlwind of living. And when each tiny life is brought forth, a Mother is born.

Thank you Lord for mothers.


Mother's come in all different shapes, sizes, cultures, religions, and colors. We have different backgrounds and we view the world through different eyes. But our commonality is our bond and commitment to these adorable little people. And sometimes it's not the women who bore those precious babies that are the mothers. It's the women who love, nurture, protect, and teach these young ones.

To those women who step in to be a "mother" I thank you. While I chose to have children and love them, you chose to love someone else's children.

To the mother's of young children. I pray for you. I am right there with you and while I wouldn't trade it, sometimes I just make it through to naptime.

To the mother's of teenagers. God bless you! You have a tough job, preparing them for that independence that is just around the corner.

To my own dear mama.  A very special lady, who over the years has grown into a best friend. This sweet lady that rocked me at night, changed my diapers, gave me hugs and kisses, read to me. Oh, how I still love to be read to. She came to games and recitals and award ceremonies. She held my hand. She encouraged, loved, and nurtured me. She helped me grow in my faith. And she still helps me now. Thank you Mama. Thank you.

To some other great women that have "mothered" me.  My aunts, my grandma, my eighth grade English teacher (though I hope when she reads my blogs she doesn't grade them! lol), my sweet dance teacher, my youth pastor's wife- who is now my pastor's wife, my mother in law, and so many more. Thanks! Your input into my life helped make me the woman I am today.

To all the mothers. Thank you! Thank you for your love and sacrifice. Thank you for staying up late and getting up early. Thank you for cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, and doing laundry simultaneously. Thank you for loving.

Sadly, not all women are so fortunate to feel celebrated and honored on Mother's Day. It can bring heartache, pain, or shame to some women. Maybe she longs to be a mother and has no life mate. Maybe she's experiencing infertility or has had a miscarriage. Maybe she's waiting in the ups and downs of adoption. Maybe her own mother wasn't loving or kind. Maybe her mother passed away this year. Maybe she had an abortion and lives with regret and guilt. Lets not forget these women. Let's stand with them, let's gently hold their hands and their hearts and tell them they too are celebrated and loved.

Mother's Day seems to be when our identity and value is contingent upon weather we have kids or not. But this is just not true. If you are a christian, my friend, your identity and value and worth are steadfast. Jesus died on the cross because of His great love for you. Just as you are. You. He wants you to have peace in the midst of your storm. He wants you to feel loved and cared for and sought after. He wants you. So no matter what happens this Sunday. You are forgiven. You are a beloved daughter of the Most High King.

Now, please don't get me wrong. I love Mother's Day. Anytime I can get my husband to cook breakfast and get the kids ready for church I'm going to take it! I'm not crazy. But this year, let's celebrate the greatest Mother's Day gift, the gift of eternal life, through Jesus Christ.

Happy Mother's Day!

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