Friday, March 22, 2013


Well, here we are. I've talked about starting a blog for a long time.

In my "fake family" I have a terrific blog. So, here's to making real life look, more like my fake family (you know the pretend perfect one in my head) well, however God wants it to look. As Glen and I were debating titles for this blog we're going to share, he suggested Disciplined Breakdown. We've had a crazy, oh, lets say, last 8 months. It could have been worse, but it was a hard time for us. We've also done a lot of growing and stretching and learning to rely on an all powerful God.

Anyway. We've decided to document some of the things we're learning, some of the moments we're experiencing, and what it looks like to love like Jesus in this messed up world.

So if you're looking for a blog with awesome pictures, fantastic recipes, phenomenal kid activities, or fashion savvy advice . . .that's great, but you won't find that here. Here you might find: funny kid stories, weird geek things, pastor/church stuff, frugal finds, marriage moments, and thoughts on life and love. Welcome!
