Friday, November 11, 2016

Year One

My how time flies!

It was over a year ago that I turned in my notice at my Spuntech. On my last day they gave me a nice going away party as well as an Amazon gift card. I bought two foam swords with it that are presently are on the roof of my carport after Sam tossed them up there “defeating the bad guys”. Who am I to get in the way of a power ranger?

I don’t miss having a day job. I’ve done some IT consulting here and there across the past year. It’s been fine but just a reminder that I don’t really miss doing it. Maybe one day but not so far. I’m still the IT guy around the house and with my family anyway.  I also have some handy dandy IT tips for all of you! Enjoy!

It's been nice to be more available for the church and the needs of the church family. I've been able to help with weddings, funerals and other church functions. I've been able to take the kids with me to visit people at home, hospitals, etc. The kids are a huge hit at Cambridge where they are usually the highlight of the day for a lot of people. It's nice to have more flexibility when visiting people.
I’ve had to learn a lot of new things. I’m much handier around the kitchen these days. I’ve always been able to do the dishes after years of washing dishes at the homestead as a teen. A year ago at this time I could cook to a degree. Mostly involved warming things in the oven or cooking on the grill. I’m certainly not a chef by any means these days but I’m definitely further along. The kids really like when I do Iron Skillet Rib-Eyes. Anna’s favorite is when I make “Smash” cheeseburgers. I just recently started cooking eggs for breakfast for Lindsey & Lucas since they enjoy them. There is still much more to learn. Presently the kids are begging me for pancakes so I’ll have to do that next week sometime.

Homeschooling is certainly challenging. Somedays I wonder if it’s all going in one year and out the other. Then later I’ll find Anna playing “Phoenician Trader sailing down the river” with her Lego people. That’s not to say that all is sunshine in rainbows. I’ve lost my temper plenty of times in the last year. There’s been days where we have accomplished nothing because of al l the whining and complaining, and that’s just from me! Yet, I’ve never once thought about updating the resume and seeing what else is out there. After all who can resist this face?

The best part of all of this has been all the extra time I’ve had with my wife and the kids. We have movie nights where we pull out the couch bed in the den and the kids pick a movie. There have been many wrestling matches in the kitchen in which I have lost them all. I feel closer to my family then I have in a long time.

The other day I was riding back home with Madison and I asked how she liked things now that I was home. She told me “I love it! You are home all day instead of coming home at 5 and putting me to bed at 7.”  
I think that about sums it up.
Sola Scriptura!
Pastor Glen

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