So, I want to write a post, because a post hasn’t been written in a week, but I’m not really feeling. Everything I’ve attempted has come across horrible and I have deleted it, or just saved it in the maybe sections, where half baked ideas go to die.
I thought about writing a post about writing a post, which ironically is what I’m doing presently. I tend to write these in MS Word first and at least try to edit them before I post them and Lindsey goes through and edits them again for grammar, spelling, fact and tact.
So, I thought I would ramble a bit and try to get some of the things bouncing around in my head out for a bit and not terrify you into never reading this again. This will be no small chore!
Back a few months ago the wife and I took the Myers-Briggs personality test. It turns out that I am an INTJ. I found out that INTJ’s comprise only about 2% of the U.S population and are one of the most difficult personality types to get along with. Ironically, the personality type we are most likely to get along with, especially romantically, is INFJ and guess who happens to have that type? If you guessed Lindsey you win a cookie, which you aren’t here to claim, so now I am eating it. So really you won me a cookie and I thank you, because I love cookies.
Frequently, you might meet someone who is an INTJ who really just comes across kinda weird, with random things exuding from their mouths, on the rare occasion you can pull them out of their minds to talk. This is best explained like so.....
We live inside our heads.
"We frequently zone out. We get lost in thought and spend much of our time inside our heads. If our immediate reality becomes boring, we will retreat into our minds, and you might have to shout our names repeatedly to get our attention so we will come out again. And no, sorry, but you can’t come into our heads with us. You wouldn’t last five minutes there. You’d be driven insane by the nonstop cacophony of overlapping voices madly free-associating from one idea to the next.” – The Compleat Idiot’s Guide to the INTJ (Please note that compleat is spelled that way intentionally as joke by the INTJ who wrote it).
I’ve mentioned before social situations are a source of struggle for me, as is public speaking. Yes, I know I’m a pastor. No, it’s not a career I chose. God chose me, further displaying His sense of humor. Social situations drain me like a battery on a smart phone. So how do I recharge? Well for Father’s Day this year Lindsey got me the perfect two gifts specifically for this.
1) Mistobox It is glorious! It is assorted fancy coffees as I have recently discovered (in the last year) a love for coffee. The degree to which I am people friendly is directly related to the amount of Caffeine in my system. Coffee & Dr. Pepper = People Skills.
2) A day off
The Saturday of Father’s day weekend Lindsey took the kids over to her momma’s and gave me a day to do whatever I wanted guilt free! I played video games, took a nap, and went to see Superman with my buddy Jacob. It really helped me recharge from a lot of extensive socialness over the past couple of months.
During the course of writing this, I’ve written and erased tangents about Star Trek, Pacific Rim, whose going to be the next Doctor in Doctor Who, Video Games, and Yasiel Puig getting snubbed by the all star team. I mean how are you not going to let your most popular player (at the moment) into a game that’s meant to showcase your stars? He’s batting .407 people! C’mon!
This is all part of why I love the Bible so much. It gives me so much to focus on, so much to consider, so many answers. It calms the cacophony of sound that times can be overwhelming.
Psalm 55:18 "He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle [that was] against me, For there were many against me."
That's more then enough for now. Enjoy your weekend beloved!
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